Friday, August 22, 2008

Photo of Choice


Bon said...

I am in love with your photography blog! You are super talented and I love checking it!! I do photography too and learn as I go! I think that is the greatest part of it!

Janell R. Cropper said...

these all look fabulous! I really want a camera like your!

Shannon said...

I think you've got some really good pictures! I have just started learning how to use photoshop, once you do it a few times, it starts to get a lot easier, but I love playing with my favorite pictures on there.

CCFD-WIVES said...

Your pictures are awesome Jenny. You are quite talented!!

Kristen said...

I love your pics. Way to update! That's a lot of new pics!...unless I've been a total slacker and haven't been keeping up. Yeah, it's probably that :).