Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ok, so I'm a total slacker. What's it to you? ;0)

I have been absolutely SO busy that I have neglected this blog. I promise I will get it started again, but since I am still just as busy I am going to cut down. Instead of doing a picture a day, I will do one a week. Ambitious, huh? Ha ha. I will just do weekly themes. Some weeks I might have more than one picture, but for the most part you can just expect one a week.

I'm hoping to buy a new camera and so that might get me more excited! My current camera only has 3 megapixels so it's pictures pail in comparison to all of yours. I'm hoping that with a new camera I can start feeling better about my pictures!

I apologize about the neglect of this blog, but I will do better. I will be gone to Disneyland all next week (WOO HOO) but after that I will be on track again. Thanks for hanging in there!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

If it makes you feel any better, mine is only a 4 mega pixel abd your pictures look a lot better than mine. :)